What is Viagra ?
Viagra(Sildenafil) relaxes muscles located in blood vessel walls, enhancing blood flow to various parts of the body. Revatio is another brand for the treatment of arterial hypertension and enhancement of men’s and women’s training capability. you can buy Viagra without prescription  from above links.

Do not take Viagra, unless your doctor orders you to when taking Revatio as well.

It is a class of drugs known as inhibitors of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). Viagra works by increasing the blood supply to your penis, which helps you have and maintain your erection. (A drug class is a group of drugs working similarly.) But this drug works only if you get excited sexually.
An initial choice of erectile dysfunction treatment
Available as a dissolving tablet (Staxyn brand). The pill type you swallow can work even faster
It should be taken approximately 1 hour before sex so it needs some improvement. It can’t be taken if the last six months have been a heart attack or stroke. It  Should not be used when nitrates such as Isordil, Imdur, or nitroglycerin you have recently taken (Nitro-BID, Nitro-Dur, Nitrostat).

For people aged 65 or over, this drug may have more side effects – use it with caution. If you have an erection longer than 4 hours, you can go to the Emergency Department (ED) or call your doctor as this can cause penis harm.
Health applications
In the trademark blued diamond-type Pfizer Viagra tablet
Sexual illness
Treatment of erectile dysfunction is a key proof of sildenafil (inability to sustain a satisfactory erection to complete sexual intercourse). It has now become one of the standard erectile dysfunction therapies, even for men with Mellitus diabetes.

Sexual imbalance linked to antidepressant

Sildenafil can help men who suffer from erectile dysfunction due to antidepressants.

Hypertension of the lung

Although sildenafil improves some disease marks in people with lung hypertension, the risk of deadness or severe side effects as of 2014 does not seem to be affected by it. The phenomenon of Raynaud Sildenafil and other PDE5 inhibitors have been used off-label to reduce vasospasm and treat finger and toe extreme ischemia and ulcers; These medications have mild effectiveness in a decrease in the frequency and length of the episodes of vasospasm.

Pulmonary edema of high altitude

Sildenafil was studied for the pulmonary edema of high altitude, but its use for that indication is not currently recommended.

Male sexual function issues are treated with sildenafil (impotence or erectile dysfunction-ED). Combined with sexual stimulation, sildenafil acts to help a man get and maintain an erection by increasing blood flow into the penis.

This medicine does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis B, gonorrhea, syphilis).

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